Execution and Bailiffs Division Moves to Crusader House
Crusader House, the new home for Executions and Bailiffs Division
KAMPALA: The High Court Execution and Bailiffs Division (EBD) moved to Crusader House in Kampala. It was formerly housed at the Judiciary headquarters in Kampala since its inception in 2012. Crusader House is located at Plot 3 Portal Avenue in Kampala, between Shumuk House(former Blacklines House) and Workers House. "We wish to inform court users and the general public that the Execution and Bailiffs Division is now located at Crusader House. We moved and have fully set up the court and ready to serve the public," said HW Elias Omar Kisawuzi, the Court's registrar.
EBD now occupies the 3rd and 4th Floorof the building, which HW Kisawuzi says is more spacious than the offices at the headquarters. "Our intention is to improve the efficiency and management of the Division," he said.
Hon. Justice Duncan Gaswaga heads the Division, which has three Judges and three Registrars. Others are Justices: Hon.Lady Justice Patricia Basaza and Hon. Justice Gadenya Paul Wolimbwa, and Deputy Registrars, HW Deo Nizeyimana and HW Baker Muhendo Rwatooro. EBD was established by an administrative circular by the Principal Judge to handle executions of High Court Divisions and Magistrates Courts within and around Kampala. It has, in the recent past, however, been grappled with issues of service delivery and effective management of the registry as a result of space constraints. A recent stakeholders meeting about EBD's operations recommended its proper gazetting and the expansion of its mandate. The stakeholders want the jurisdiction of the Court to be widened to handle assets recovery management arising from criminal matters as well as executions of the Court of Appeal and Supreme Court decisions.
Posted 15th, August 2018